Google Ads Audit Template

It’s important for any company to audit the results and operations from time to time, in sales, accounting, or other departments. Advertising is no exception. At Lira Agency we audit our clients’ advertising profiles all the time and came up with a helpful template that we’d like to share. It’s a Google Ads audit template and we use it to audit our new clients.

You’re welcome to download this template for your audits, it’s 100% free and ready-to-use.

The audit template features: 

  • Basic information about the advertising account;
  • Additional information: USP (unique selling proposition),competitors lists, main keywords;
  • Tag settings and conversion tracking verification;
  • Google Ads account level settings;
  • Search Google Ads campaigns settings;
  • GDN Google Ads campaign settings;
  • Video Google Ads campaign settings;
  • Performance Max Google Ads campaign settings.

The template has 25 pages, which should be more than enough for a basic Google Ads audit. The template is an editable PDF that you can fill in, save or print right away.

The template will allow you to examine in detail all current settings of your advertising account, detect and fix errors or weak points. Based on the results of the audit, you’ll be able to create a thorough plan for optimizing and fixing Google Ads campaigns.


The audit template required additional Google Ads scripts.
You can find more information about them here:

Account Quality Score script
Placements Cleaning by Titles script

Need help or have questions? Contact us!

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